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Since the launching of Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrument Analysis (BCEIA) in 1985, it has insisted on presenting high-level academic papers and exhibiting hi-tech products, and won high recognition and reputation from the analysis and testing industry. In order to adapt the rapid development of China�s technology and economy, China Association for Instrumental Analysis (�CAIA�) now made its decision to conduct a public appraisal among all new products of foreign manufacturers attending BCEIA2015 (excluding manufacturers from Hong Kong, Macro and Taiwan) (hereinafter referred to as �BCEIA New Products�), so as to accelerate BCEIA�s progress of being a window and platform presenting the latest technology and new products in the international analysis and testing industry. The public appraisal of "BCEIA New Products" is conducted once every two years, such appraisal will carried out prior to BCEIA conference, and the appraisal result will be released during BCEIA conference. I. Eligibility All instruments (hereinafter referred to as "instruments applying for public appraisal) applying to participate in "BCEIA New Products" public appraisal must comply with the following three conditions: 1. The products declared for "BCEIA New Products" must be high-tech products launched by foreign manufacturers worldwide in recent three years; 2. The products declared for "BCEIA New Products" must be a product exhibited by a foreign exhibitor in BCEIA for the first time; 3. The products exhibited must be a product in kind that can be operated and demonstrated at BCEIA site. Products exhibited in form of picture or model will be rejected. II. Public appraisal organization 1. CAIA is responsible for organizing the public appraisal. For such purpose, a "BCEIA New Products" appraisal team will be established. The public appraisal shall be conducted based on the principles of rationality, fairness, justice and transparency. 2. The "BCEIA New Products" appraisal team consists of 9 to 11 experts, who are delighted in analysis instrument undertaking, with high academic and technical level, excellent academic moral character and rich experience, 1 of which is elected as the team leader and 1 as the vice team leader. The team leader is the person in charge of the overall organization of the appraisal, while the vice team leader gives due assistance to the team leader. 3. The members of public appraisal team for "BCEIA New Products" may be reappointed, but such reappointments shall not be greater than three BCEIA conference periods. 4. For the purpose of maintaining the vitality and non-interruption of the public appraisal, the public appraisal team members for every "BCEIA New Products" session shall be updated by recruiting 1/3 new members. 5. The appraisal team members must strictly follow the working discipline. Disclosure of the appraisal process and the result by any appraisal member is strictly prohibited, unless permitted to do the same. For any appraisal members failing to observe the aforesaid discipline, their later-on eligibility for attending "BCEIA New Products" appraisal will be deprived. III. Public appraisal procedure 1. Application. When applying for "BCEIA New Products", each applicant shall submit the application forms of "BCEIA New Product" (two hardcopies and electronic copy) and other related information to CAIA within the specified time, overdue submission will not be accepted. The application materials shall be in detail and true. In case of any false data or content, the eligibility of the applicant in question to applying for any of its products to be appraised in this session will be deprived. 2. Public announcement. In order to take the opinions from all sectors of society, make the public appraisal more transparent and accept social supervision, CAIA will, after the completion of �BCEIA New Products� application, arrange a public announcement of all products applying for the appraisal and their owners respectively in CAIA website: HYPERLINK "http://www.caia.org.cn" http://www.caia.org.cn and BCEIA website: http://www.bceia.cn for one month. 3. Appraisal. The public appraisal team of "BCEIA New Products" is responsible for the specific appraisal work. The appraisal procedure includes: application form prequalification, site visit, comment. 4. Review and approval. The President Meeting of CAIA will review the nominated new product list and other related documents submitted by �BCEIA New Product� & 4 6 B H J R T d f h � � ��ȳ�Ȣ�}m`PC3 hV8� hV8� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hol� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h> � h�1� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h> � hN CJ OJ QJ aJ o( h/$ 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( &hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( hT$| 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( )h> � hN 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ \�aJ o( hol� 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( &h> � h> � 5�CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( #h�f� h�xO CJ OJ PJ QJ aJ o( 6 T f h v � � 2 � � � z : � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � dh gd�^� ���F dh WD ^��`�F gd(B �0dh WD� `�0gds4 ��dh `��gd 2� dh gd 2� �0dh WD� `�0gd�^� $d` a$gdN $d\ a$ $ d\ a$ gd�xO � � � " H L N l v ~ � � � � � � � � 8 F J N \ f ������˻˻��˔ءؔ��w�gWgJ h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�~r CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h`� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h`� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�g� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hT$| CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hT$| hT$| CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�?j CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�BF CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hol� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hV8� CJ OJ QJ aJ o( f h j n r t v � � � � � � � � � � � ���ŵ���tgtZtMZt@ h$� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�n� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�f� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ "hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o( hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ hN h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN hs4 CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�~r CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hol� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h� � CJ OJ QJ aJ o( � � � � � � � � � � � � � " * < > H N P \ f � � � � � ���ķĨ������~�q�q��q�~�q�dU h�n� 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o( h�^� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�n� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�VB CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�^� h�^� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ h`� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ o(*h�f� B*CJ KH OJ QJ ^J aJ o(ph333 *h$� B*CJ KH OJ QJ ^J aJ o(ph333 � � � � � � $ ( . 0 : B L N R x ���������p���a�p�O@�� h�g� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�^� h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�\ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h�\ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "h$� h$� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ h�\ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o( h$� 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o(x z ~ � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8 : > ��˾������~�l]N�?��� h'O� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( hxn CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�g� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�\ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h�\ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�^� h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�� CJ OJ QJ aJ o("h�\ h�\ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ > @ B L T ^ � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���῭�����q�bSF�7 h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�n� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ h'O� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�n� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ h�g� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�^� h�g� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h�^� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( "hN h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�^� h'O� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h'O� CJ OJ QJ aJ o("h(B h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o(� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �����������rbI3 *h(B CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� 0hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ "hN h/$ 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o( h�n� 5�CJ OJ QJ aJ o( h�^� h'O� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(h'O� CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ o(hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ "hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h(B CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o( h�g� CJ OJ QJ \�aJ o(� � � � � � | � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ~ �0dh WD� `�0gd+� �H���dh WD��^�H`���gds4 � �-dh WD� ^� `�-gds4 ��dh `��gd 2� $ �0dh WD� `�0a$ gds4 �0dh WD� `�0gd�^� dh gd 2� �0dh WD� `�0gds4 �6dh WD� `�6gd} � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���ѥ�ѻ�v]�v]D� 0hN h�^� CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� 0h�^� h�^� CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� *hT$| CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� 0hN hH CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� *h'O� CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� *h�n� CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� 0hN h/$ CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� *h�f� CJ OJ QJ aJ fH o(q� ���� $ ( 0 B V f v � �Ѹ��Ѹ�vfYfIf
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