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专家汇聚 共谋发展 | BCEIA 2019分析检测与体外诊断国际高峰论坛

2019-08-16 09:39:00来源:


业界人士翘首以盼的第十八届北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会(BCEIA2019)将于2019年10月23-26日在北京•国家会议中心举行。本届展会将继续坚持“分析科学 创造未来”的方向,围绕“生命 生活 生态——面向绿色未来”的主题组织学术报告会、专题论坛和仪器展。








刘虎威,博士。北京大学化学与分子工程学院教授。分别于1982年和1990年在北京理工大学获得学士和博士学位。然后加盟北京大学,1985年成为副教授,2001年成为教授。他的研究兴趣是生物分离与检测,包括色谱、毛细管电泳和质谱,以及联用技术如LC-MS,CE-MS。应用领域包括药物分析、植物激素检测,蛋白组学和脂质组学分析。迄今已发表学术论文280余篇,3部著作,还为10本书籍撰写了章节。目前是中国化学会和美国化学会会员,兼任中国质谱学会副理事长、中国化学会色谱专业委员会副主任、中国分析测试协会副秘书长。Journal of Separation Science 和 Journal of Analysis and Testing副主编,色谱责任副主编。他还是Analytical Chemistry(2013-2015), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Molecules (Section Board for Analytical 英文版、质谱学报、现代科学仪器、现代仪器与医疗、岩矿测试和金博宝188官网注册质量检测学报编委。全国科学技术名词审定委员会化学名词审定委员会委员。全国仪器分析测试标准化技术委员会委员。×Chemistry),以及化学通报、分析试验室、分析测试学报、分析科学学报、中国药学




长期致力于肿瘤分子生物学和肿瘤转化医学研究,在国际上率先发现和系统揭示了细胞周期监测点关键蛋白的作用和机制,阐明多个重要细胞周期调控蛋白在细胞癌变和肿瘤诊断与个体化治疗中的作用。近年来,在基因组水平全面系统的揭示了食管癌的遗传突变背景,为了解食管癌的发病机理、寻找食管鳞癌诊断的分子标志物、确定研发临床治疗的药物靶点提供了理论和实验基础。3次担任国家973项目首席科学家(15年),2次承担国家基金委重点项目,承担国家基金委重大项目和创新群体项目(9年资助),发表SCI学术论文240多篇,包括 Nature,Cell, J Clin Invest, EMBO, Mol Cell Biol, Science, Cancer Res, Oncogene, J Biol Chem and PNAS, 发表科技论文的SCI引用14000多次,主编著作5部。应邀在国内外学术会议上作大会报告120余次,11次担任国际(双边)会议共同主席。









特邀主旨报告人:Emmanuelle Claude

Emmanuelle Claude女士(精细化学和商业硕士,有机化学和生物光谱学分析硕士), 2000年10月开始在Waters 公司担任蛋白质组学和基因组学的应用工程师,使用MALDI-TOF质谱仪开发自动化多肽指纹图谱(PMF)的方法。




虞留明先生是苏州博源医疗科技有限公司(简称“博源医疗”)的董事长兼CEO,他在研发均相酶免疫法(HEIA)小分子检测领域享有声望。在创立博源医疗之前,虞先生曾担任美国奎斯特诊断公司(Quest Diagnostic)的研发总监,奎斯特诊断是全球最大的第三方检测中心。他也曾是美国病理学家协会(College of American Pathologists,CAP)中国质量大使和检察官,CAP被国际公认为实验室质量保证的领导者和权威性的实验室管理和认证组织。自2012年创立博源医疗至今,虞先生已带领公司研发团队成功研发100多种HEIA试剂,获得了30多个国家发明专利授权,并成功获得12个HEIA试剂的注册证。其研究成果得到政府支持和认可,曾获“国家火炬计划”、“江苏省科技成果奖”、“江苏省双创奖”、“苏州领袖奖”等多项地方性和国家级奖项。2013年,博源医疗成为国内首家开发出HEIA技术的IVD公司。近几年来,HEIA产品已得到国内众多临床实验室的广泛认可。HEIA检测分析物覆盖广泛的临床标志物,包括:治疗药物监测(TDM)、内分泌、代谢物、滥用药物(DOA)和掺假物。


时间 内容 报告人
8:30-9:30 会议签到
9:30-9:40 开幕词 刘虎威 教授
09:40-10:10 综述报告-科技创新与医院展望 詹启敏 教授
10:10-10:40 单细胞组学:解码人类基因组 谢晓亮 教授
10:40-11:10 电化学发光免疫分析及临床应用 曾映 常务副总裁
11:10-11:20 茶歇
11:20-11:50 质谱成像技术在生物医学研究上的进展 Emmanuelle Claude 博士
11:50-12:20 均相酶免疫(HEIA)技术在小分子检验中的应用 虞留明 董事长及CEO
12:20-12:30 闭幕致辞 刘虎威 教授



会议时间:2019年10月23日 上午 9:30-12:45


















BCEIA2019 International Summit on Analytical
Instrumentation and In Vitro Diagnosis

--Registration in Progress

In recent years,In Vitro Diagnosis has become one of the fastest growing segments in the field of life sciences and clinical medicine worldwide. Statistics reveal that in 2018, the size of the global InVitro diagnosis market reached USD 80 billion while the Chinese market reached RMB 50 billion, representing an annual growth of 15%.

The rapid growth in the Chinese InVitro diagnosis market is driven by China's large population, the substantial growth of the economy, great population mobility, the increase in emerging infectious diseases,enhancement of people's awareness about health and the Government's development initiatives regarding the healthcare industry and biotechnology industrialization.

Market factors are driving the development of analytical sciences to focus more on InVitro diagnosis, and as a result, the usage of some analytical technologies such as mass spectrometers and digital PCR are experiencingincreasedusage in the early screening of cancer and nerve system diseases.

Analytical technology and testing methods are developing at an everincreasing speed. Mass spectrometry platforms have become the spotlight of Clinical medical examination, especially in microorganismidentification, neonatal screening and identification of tumor markers. Electrochemiluminescence technology is a new testing technology based on immunological technique, antibody technology and biotechnology, which has gained extensive application in clinical detection thanks to its characteristics of high sensitivity, strong stability, good repeatability and a highdegreeofautomation.

Small Molecule Testing has always been a strength of analytical technology but has been limited by various conditions of samples, and sample pre-treatment is always required. Based on the small molecule antibody technology and enzymology, Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay (HEIA) technology was developed to overcome the limitations on sample influences, and hence resolve the problem of mass clinical testing requirements. HEIA technology is well applied in tumors, metabolism and internal secretion diseases, and clinical sample testing has improved in terms efficiency and accuracy.

The “International Summit on Analytical Instrumentation and InVitro Diagnosis” specially invites renowned interdisciplinary experts to participate in debates on the development and application of analytical instruments and technology in the field of InVitro diagnosis, and the perspective of human health. The Summit will be one of the highlight events of BCEIA 2019.

International Summit on Analytical Instrumentation

and In Vitro Diagnosis


Date: 23October, 2019 (09:30-12:45)

Location: InterContinental Beijing Beichen, China

Language: Chinese and English

Time Content Speaker
8:30-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:40 Opening Speech Huwei Liu
Peking University
09:40-10:10 Overview Report-Technology Innvoation and Hospital Developmen Qimin Zhan
Academician of CAE
Peking University
10:10-10:40 Single Cell Omics: Decoding Human Genome Xiaoliang Sunney Xie
Academician of NAS, United States
Peking University
10:40-11:10 Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay and Its Application Ying Zeng
Lifotronic Technology Co, Ltd
11:10-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-11:50 Advancements in MS imaging for Biomedical Research Emmanuelle Claude
Principal Scientist(Health Sciences Business)
Waters Corporation
11:50-12:20 Applications of Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay (HEIA) for Small Molecule Testing Liuming Yu
Chairman& CEO
Suzhou Evermed Biomedical Co, Ltd
12:20-12:30 Closing Speech Huwei Liu
Peking University

Guest Moderator

Huwei Liu

Huwei Liu is the Ph.D. Professor of Institute of Analytical Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University.

Dr. Huwei Liu graduated with a BA degree in 1982, and Ph·D·in 1990 from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China, then he joined Peking University, became a full professor in 2001. His research work focuses on bioseparation and detection, including fundamentals and applications of chromatographic, electrophoretic separation techniques and mass spectrometry, as well as hyphenated methods such as LC-MS and CE-MS. The application areas cover pharmaceutical analysis, plan hormone detection, proteomics and lipidomics analysis. He is the author and co-author of more than 280 research papers and reviews, 3 books, and several chapter contributions of the edited books. He is currently a member of Chinese Chemical Society and American Chemical Society, a vice president of China Mass Spectrometry Society, president of Beijing Chromatography Society. Reputy Secnetany General of China Association for Instrumental Analysis (CAIA). He also serves as an associate editor of Journal of Separation Scienceand Journal of Analysis and Testing, an executive editor of Chinese Journal of Chromatography, an advisory/editorial board member for Analytical Chemistry(2013-2015), Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Molecules (Section Board for 'Analytical Chemistry') and other ten Chinese journals.

Keynote Speakers

Qimin Zhan, MD

Qimin Zhan, MD, is currently an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Executive Vice President of Peking University, President of Peking University Health Science Center, President of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, and the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology.

Dr. Zhan is the chairman of National Health Care Project and the chairman of National Biotechnology Development Strategy. He was the Chairman of the National Advisory Board for 863 High-Tech plan in the field of biomedical sciences and is the Chief Scientist of the 973 National Fundamental Program. Dr. Zhan’s research interest is focused on the molecular pathways involved in the control of cell cycle checkpoint and apoptosis after DNA damage, and the signaling pathways involved in regulation of the maintenance of genomic stability and tumor metastasis. In recent years, Dr. Zhan has paid great attention to the cancer translational study, including molecular diagnosis and personalized therapy. His research has successfully attracted multiple grants from different funding agencies. Dr. Zhan’s has published more than 240 peer-reviewed SCI papers. Many of his publications are in prestigious journals, including Nature, Cell, the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and others. To date, they have been cited more than 14,000 times.

Xiaoliang Xie

Professor Xie is an internationally renowned biophysical chemist, and the Lee Shao-kee professor of Peking University. After a career at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, he became the first tenured professor at Harvard University among Chinese scholars who went to the US since the Reform in China. As a pioneer of single-molecule biophysical chemistry, coherent Raman scattering microscopy, and single-cell genomics, he made major contributions to the emergence of these fields. In particular, his inventions in single-cell genomics have been used in in vitro fertilization to benefit hundreds of couples in China by avoiding the transmission of monogenic diseases to their newborns.

Ying Zeng

Mr. Zeng is the EVP of Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd., who is in charge of the Research and Develop Department of the company.

IVD Division of Lifotronic has developed an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay system, a nephelometer immunoassay system, a lateral flow immunofluorescence analysis system, a HPLC HbA1c analysis system and a thrombelastogram analysis system. The nephelometer immunoassay system has won the first prize of the progress of science and technology in Shenzhen.

Healing products Division of Lifotronic developed wound treatment solutions, have won the first prize of the national award of the progress of science and technology.

Mr. Zeng has also worked in GE Healthcare,China and Shenzhen Mindray Biomedical Electronics Co., Ltd for nearly 20 years.

Emmanuelle Claude

Miss Emmanuelle Claude (Master in Fine Chemistry and Business and P.Phil in spectroscopy analysis in organic chemistry and biology) has started at Waters Corporation in October 2000 as an Application Chemist in the Proteomics and Genomics Marketing group, developing automated Peptide Mass Fingerprint (PMF) MS methods using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer.

Over the years she developed a number of methods in the proteomics analytical space using MALDI TOF and naturally moved in starting the development of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) at Waters corporation over 12 years ago.

She has been involved with hardware and software R&D to ensure that the solutions were fit-for-purpose for the MSI community. She has worked extensively with the main MSI leaders in Europe and the US such as Prof Heeren in the Netherlands, Prof Clench, Prof Takats and Bunch in the UK and Prof Caprioli in the US. She has been a Principal Scientist since 2014 and is managing the MS imaging application team at Waters where data are generated for marketing (i·e·application literature, customer presentation, papers, posters...), hardware and software requirements are defined for the R&D teams. The team evaluates and develops new applications & methods for Imaging by both MALDI and DESI mass spectrometry。

Liuming Yu

Mr. Yu is the Chairman & CEO of Suzhou Evermed Biomedical Co., Ltd (“Evermed”). He is a well-known expert in development of liquid reagents for measurement of small molecules using Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay (HEIA) methodology. Prior to his tenure at Evermed he held a prestigious position as the R&D Director at Quest Diagnostic, the largest reference laboratory in the world. He also served as the inspector and the Chinese ambassador of CAP (College of American Pathologists). Since founding Suzhou Evermed in 2012 he headed his company to develop more than 100 HEIA assays, acquired more than 30 China invention patents, and successfully received cFDA approvals for twelve clinical HEIA products. His achievements were recognized and won multiple local and national awards including: “National Torch Plan”, “Jiangsu Science and Technology Achievement”, “Jiangsu Double-Creation Reward”, and “Suzhou Leadership Award”. In 2013 Evermed was the first IVD company in China to utilize the HEIA methodology for clinical diagnostic testing. Within a few years, HEIA products have been widely accepted by many clinical laboratories in China. Tested analytes include a broad range of clinical markers covering: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM), Endocrines, Metabolites, Drugs of Abuse (DOA), and Adulterants.

Contact Person

Ms. Liying Wang

Phone:+86-10-6851 2289

E-mail: liying.wang@caia.org.cn

Register Here

Scan the QR code

About BCEIA:

Sponsored by CAIA (China Association for Instrumental Analysis), the Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA) is a highly specialized and well respected international analytical instruments conference and exhibition in China. After being held for and developed over 30 years, BCEIA is becoming more renowned worldwide, with exhibitors and participants coming from over 20 and 30 countries respectively, to participate in the great event on a biennial basis. In 2017 the number of registered participants exceeded 25,000, and the registered experts for the Academic Conference reached 3,400.

The 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrument Analysis (BCEIA2019) is scheduled to be held from 23rd to 26th October, 2019 at the China National Convention Center, Beijing, China. With the vision of “Analytical Science Creates Future”, BCEIA 2019 will continue to host academic conferences, summits, forums and exhibition under the theme of “Moving Towards a Green Future”.






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