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要精彩需创新 CBST特色展区火热招募中

2017-03-17 10:56:16来源:金博宝188官网注册 导刊



In recent years, with consumer focusing more and more on nutrition and health, China beverage market will show a more healthy, nutritional and diversified trend in the future. To meet with the requirements of industry development, the 8th China International Beverage Industry Exhibition on Science & Technology (CBST2017) has set up two special exhibition areas: “Innovative Beverage Marketing Area” and “Innovative Raw/Auxiliary Materials and Additives Area”. With these two special exhibition areas, we hope to establish a communication platform for enterprises and customers and bring new ideas and choices for new product development and marketing of beverage enterprise.
Innovative Marketing Area: Stay close to the requirements of industry development and show innovative inspiration in beverage marketing.
It is the first time for the Exhibition to set up “Innovative Beverage Marketing Area”. By presenting the latest products and solutions related to beverage marketing and channel construction, new ideas concerning marketing are introduced to beverage companies. The advanced technologies and products will all be shown in CBST2017, including QR code product applied in beverage tracking, anti-counterfeiting and storage management, beverage vending equipment based on Internet application, beverage bottle recycle system, etc.
Raw/Auxiliary Materials and Additives Area: Grasp consumer demand for consumption to build “innovative gene” into beverage new product.
Since the setup of “Innovative Raw/Auxiliary Materials and Additives Area” in the 4th China International Beverage Industry Exhibition on Science & Technology (CBST2009), this area has received recognition from many professional visitors. Famous companies in this field are enthusiastic to participate in the exhibition. Jiahe, AAFUD, Damin, Hongyuan, Xian Yang Yang, Jumbogrand, and Mellower Coffee will bring their the latest products in the fields of natural pigment, natural flavor, high-quality instant coffee power and concentrated liquid, non-diary cream for coffee and fruit juice, extracted raw material and tea and plant to this Exhibition, which will definitely attract attention from professional visitors.
After years of development and perfection, CBST has gathered well-known international and domestic beverage suppliers. Products exhibited cover the latest technologies and achievements in the beverage whole industrial chain. The Exhibition is the preferred exhibition and trade platform for China beverage whole industrial chain that attracts famous beverage companies home and abroad. If your products are focusing on the latest technology and products of beverage marketing and channel construction; if your products are the latest products of raw/auxiliary materials or additives; if you want to efficiently understand your customers, CBST2017 will be an exhibition platform that cannot be missed!

China International Beverage Industry Exhibition on Science & Technology (CBST) is the only professional exhibition that is themed at beverage industry technology. It is held by China Beverage Industry Association, an authorized organization in the industry. With rapid development of the 7 exhibitions in the past 14 years, it has received compliment and increased popularity globally. So far, it is regarded as the brand exhibition with the largest scale and highest level of internationalization, professionalization and authority in China beverage industry. The 8th China International Beverage Industry Exhibition on Science and Technology (CBST 2017) will be held on November 22-24, 2017 in N1-N4 Hall of Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The exhibition area is estimated to exceed 45,000 square meters.




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