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FMA CHINA 十大资源优势,全力打造顶级行业盛会

2016-12-01 14:53:57来源:金博宝188官网注册 导刊

FMA CHINA 十大资源优势,全力打造顶级行业盛会
FMA CHINA Top-Ten Competitive Advantages, efforts to build a well-known event of the industry
中国国际食品、肉类及水产品展(简称FMA CHINA)是经国家质检总局与国家商务部批准并给予支持的重要会展活动,作为中国食品、肉类、水产品与乳品行业的专业国际贸易采购交易会与海外企业拓展中国市场的重要平台。FMA CHINA采购交易会已在中国成功举办两届,活动的成功举办得到了众多国际组织认可与行业同仁的关注,累计展出面积超过五万平方米,共吸引全球近四十个国家和地区的数千家进口食品、肉类、水产、乳品及食材等领域优秀供应商前来参展,累计超过数十万名国内外专业买家亲临现场参观采购。展会规模及观众数量同比较大的提升,使该展会成为中国进口食品领域三大采购交易会之一,在国际食品行业专业展会中占有极为重要的地位。FMA CHINA能获得如此成就,源于以下十大优势:
FMA CHINA Top-Ten Competitive Advantages, efforts to build a well-known event of the industry
China International Food, Meat and Aquatic Products Exhibition (FMA CHINA) is an important exhibition authorized and supported by AQSIQ and Ministry of Commerce, which serves as a very professional international sourcing fair in Chinese food, meat, aquatic and diary product industry, as well as a vital platform for foreign companies to expand Chinese market. FMA CHINA has been held successfully two sessions in China, which has caught concern from multiple international organizations and industry colleagues. With a total exhibition area of more than 50,000 square meters, FMA CHINA has attracted thousands of hundreds of outstanding suppliers from 40 countries and regions globally in the field of import food, meat, aquatic product, dairy product and food material industry. Over 100,000 domestic and international professional buyers have taken part in this fair for visiting and purchasing. Great year-on-year improvement on scales and audience number makes the exhibition one of the three famous purchase fairs in the field of China import food industry, which has occupied an extremely important position of professional exhibitions in international food industry. The prosperity of FMA CHINA derived from the following ten competitive advantages:
Conforming to the policy guidance , Increasing Import Reasonably
FMA CHINA是为落实国务院常务会议指示精神,加强进口的政策措施,促进扩大对外开放而召开的展览展示活动。协助中国政府稳定国内需要的资源进口,合理增加与群众生活密切相关的牛羊肉、水产品及乳品等一般消费品进口。
FMA CHINA is a display and demonstration activity, which implements and realizes the executive meeting of the state council instruction spirit, strengthens the import policy measures, promotes the opening of outside world. It also assists our government in stabilizing imported resources needed in China, increase import of read meat, aquatic and dairy products and other general consumption goods closely related to people’s live reasonably.
Cooperating and Communicating on International Policies, and Expanding Trade Export
FMA CHINA期间举办国际进出口食品政策与法律法规交流会(简称:IFPS)作为中国地区进出口食品政策与法规领域最高规格的行业峰会,该交流会目的是针对世界各国进出口食品的法律法规、质量安全控制以及对华出口政策进行宣讲与解析,就海外相关组织与企业如何在中国获得市场准入以及如何拓展中国市场提供绿色通道与合作平台。出席会议嘉宾与代表国家质检总局、食药总局、海关总署、农业部、认监委、国外政府、技术专家、行业组织及相关企业超过五百名参会代表围绕中国进口食品政策与法规解析、中国农产品安全管理、中国进口食品境外加工企业卫生注册制度解析与准入条例、中国如何打击肉类进口走私工作部署以及中国进出口 金博宝188官网注册风险管理等话题进行阐述。
The International Import & Export Food Policy, Laws and Regulations Summit (IFPS for short) will be held during FMA CHINA. As a top industrial summit in the Chinese import and export food policy and regulation field, the summit aims to propaganda and analyze laws and regulations of import and export food in different countries, and safety control, and Chinese-oriented export policies. Regarding how overseas organizations and enterprises can have access to the Chinese market and how to expand the Chinese market, it is to provide green channels and cooperative platforms. As for the analysis of Chinese import food policies and regulations, Chinese agricultural product safety management, sanitation registration system of overseas processing enterprises about Chinese import food and the corresponding access regulations, meat import and smuggling work deployment by China, and Chinese import and export food safety risk management, over five hundred delegates from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China Food and Drug Administration, General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Agriculture, Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China, foreign governments, technical experts, industrial organizations, and relevant enterprises have involved in the discussion about that.
The Exclusive Functions of Government Department, Hosted by Authority Units
FMA CHINA由国家质检总局-中国出入境检验检疫协会主办(简称:CIQA)。CIQA是国家质量监督检验检疫总局检验检疫系统的唯一行业协会,承担对华进口肉类证书核查及对国内收货单位预先审查的工作。同时,肩负着 CNCA中国进口肉类法律法规的宣传与贯彻,对国外企业调研与考察,及签署海外对华出口肉类协会合作备忘录的使命。目前协会在全国三十五个省市设有分支机构,其中含上海进口食品企业协会,深圳冷冻食品行业协会及珠海冷冻食品行业协会等,协会数千家会员单位中进口肉类占中国市场份额80%以上。
FMA CHINA is hosted by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China(AQSIQ) — China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association(CIQA). —The only official association is directly under the AQSIQ. The responsibilities of CIQA are inspecting the certificates of China import meat, investigating the consignee, broadcasting and carrying out the China imported meat laws and regulations by CNCA, researching the information about domestic and oversea organizations and enterprises, and signing the cooperation memorandum with over a dozen foreign meat associations. At present, branches of CIQA have been set in 35 provinces and municipalities of China. The Shanghai Import Food Enterprise Association, Shenzhen Frozen Food Industry Association, Zhuhai Frozen Food Industry Association have been invited to join the CIQA, and the importing meat of the thousands members of CIQA has posited more than 80% market share in China.
Rich Experience in Events Organization, Professional Organizer
FMA CHINA的承办单位是高登商业(简称:GOLDENEXPO),作为国内知名展览机构,高登商业是一家专业从事组织、举办国际性展览、会议的公司,丰富的市场经验,大型会议、展览的组织承办经验,丰富的会议、展览信息资源。超十五年的办展经验积累了中国地区超50万家星级酒店、餐饮、大型超company市、贸易公司、加工企业、批发市场、航空、铁路、医院、学校、工厂及电商等国内外不同领域的优秀供应商及专业买家资源。
FMA CHINA is organized by Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd(GOLDENEXPO). As a well-known exhibition company, GOLDENEXPO is specialized in organizing and holding international expositions as well as conferences, and of rich marketing & industry-organized experiences in big conferences and exhibitions, meanwhile, diversified conferences and exhibition information resources. With over 50 years’ exhibition experience, GOLDENEXPO has accumulated more than 500,000 outstanding suppliers and professional buyers in the field of star hotel, catering, hypermarket, commercial company, processor, wholesale market, aviation, railway, hospital, school, factory and E-commercial industry at home and abroad.
Comprehensive Implement Policies& Regulations, National Government Participation
FMA CHINA目前已与美国、法国、德国、西班牙、丹麦、巴西、澳大利亚、新西兰、波兰及荷兰等贸易国签订长年参展合作协议,各国驻华机构与相关协会除组织企业以国家展团的形式参展外并积极参与展会期间的国际进出口食品政策与法律法规交流会、世界各专属国产品质量安全与政策法规研讨会、产品品鉴推介活动以及买家对接会等。
FMA CHINA has signed a long-term exhibition cooperation intention agreements with major trading partners such as the United States, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Netherlands. The foreign institutions, organizations and enterprises will participate in FMA CHINA as a group by countries, and all of them are willing to attend the concurrent event-The International Import & Export Food Policy, Laws and Regulations Summit, Quality Safety and Policy Laws and Regulations Seminar for Exclusive Countries,Products Examination& Popularization Activities, Buyer Presentation and so on.
Enhancing the Chinese-Oriented Product Quality, Implementing and Interpreting Policies
FMA CHINA展会期间针对各专属国输华产品种类的政策法规知识、操作流程规范、检测质量标准及行业专业知识等话题进行专题谈论与交流,会议邀请来自中国监管部门一线工作人员与专属国政府、行业组织及生产企业共同探讨中国进口环节的检疫检疫卫生检测标准要求和相关法律法规政策及专属国产品生产体系、出口供应链等内容。目的是提升专属国的输华产品质量安全与管理体系,出口通关环节的预警机制和相关政策法规解析提供援助。
During the FMA CHINA, special discussion and communication about policies, regulations, knowledge of products exported to China, operational process and specifications, test quality standards and professional industrial knowledge are conducted. First-tier workers from the Chinese supervision departments have discussed with foreign governments, industrial organizations and production enterprises jointly about the quarantine sanitation test standards and requirements of the Chinese import section, relevant laws, regulations and policies, production systems of foreign products, and export supply chains, the purpose of which is to improve the Chinese-oriented product quality safety and management system, enhance the early warning mechanism of the export customs clearance section, and provide help for the interpretation of relevant policies and regulations.
Strong Market Consumption Demand, A Holiday Purchasing Season
FMA CHINA开展时间在每年的9月中下旬,9月作为中国地区餐饮食材的采购旺季,并且是海外大宗农食产品订货的最佳季节。在每年的10月中将迎来一年中的消费旺季和各类传统节日的到来,因此9月份中国的酒店餐饮行业进入餐饮食材行业的采购高峰期。而此时的FMA CHINA展会的召开无疑给世界各地的客商带来无限商机。
The time of FMA CHINA usually arranged in mid-to-end of September every year. September is a holiday purchasing season for catering material in China region, and also the best season for ordering staple agro-food commodity abroad. Every October will be the peak period of consuming, during which different kinds of traditional festival will be spent at that time. Thus making a material purchasing fastigium of China’s hotel catering in September. FMA CHINA at that time will definitely provide unlimited business opportunities to merchants all over the world.
Keeping a Foothold in The Whole South China, and Radiating Worldwide
FMA CHINA的举办地位于中国广州,作为中国经济最发达的城市之一,人均消费品零售额居全国第一位。世界各国驻广州总领事馆达到五十三个,数量居全国第二位。地理位置辐射南半球所有的国家,其中欧洲、非洲、南美洲、澳州以及亚洲大部分国家都与广东航海线距离最短,广州港同时也是中国第三大港口,作为珠江三角洲以及华南地区的主要物资集散地和最大的国际贸易中枢港,现已与世界170多个国家和地区的500多个港口有贸易往来。广州的大罗塘和黄沙则是世界上名副其实的最大冷冻食品集散基地和水产批发交易基地,全国和世界各地客商云集,通过独特的地理区位优势转运到全国各地的批发市场。
FMA CHINA will be held in Guangzhou of China, one of the most economically developed cities
in China with the per capita retail sales of consumer goods ranking No.1 nationwide. There are fifty-three consulate generals of different countries in Guangzhou, ranking No.2 in the country. Its geological position radiates to all countries in the southern hemisphere, among which, most countries in Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, and Asia have the shortest distance with the sailing line of Guangdong. Guangzhou Port is also the third largest ports in China. As the main resource collection and distribution site and largest international trade center in Pearl River Delta and south China, it has established trade relations with over 500 ports of more than 170 countries and regions. Daluotang and Huangsha of Guangzhou are worthy of its name as the largest frozen food collection and distribution site and aquatic product wholesale trade base in the world where numerous domestic and overseas merchants are gathering to transfer products to wholesale markets all over the country through its unique locational advantages.
Gathering Industrial Giants from All Countries, Focusing the Whole Industrial Chain
FMA CHINA采购交易会展品涵盖进口食品、肉类、水产品、乳品、果蔬、 冷链物流、旅游餐饮(航空、邮轮及列车食品等)、餐饮食材及连锁加盟等多个领域与产业链。展会吸引全球各领域的行业巨头参展参会,其中肉类包括史密斯.菲尔德、通内斯、皇冠、JBS/BRF、Vall、科普利信、中粮肉食、双汇、众品等;水产包括挪威海产、中水、獐子岛、远洋、国联、上水、广水等;乳品包括菲仕兰、雀巢、惠氏等;果蔬包括都乐、新奇士、优果、金国源、同和等; 冷链物流包括中外运普菲斯、太古冷链等;旅游餐饮包括中翼航空、东方航食、南联航空、厦门航空、中铁列服、渤海邮轮等;连锁加盟包括味千拉面、小肥羊、DQ、汉堡王等。以上行业巨头的参与必将吸引更多的专业买家参会。
The exhibits of FMA CHINA contain multiple areas and industrial chain, including: import food, meat product, aquatic product, dairy product, fruit& vegetable, cold chain logistic, tourism catering( aviation, cruise and train food, etc), catering materials and franchisees. FMA CHINA has attracted world’s industrial giant participating this exhibition, including meat enterprises includes Smithfield Foods, Toennies, Danish Crown, JBS/BRF, Vall, COOPERL, COFCO, SHUANGHUI GROUP, Zhongpin Group, etc, aquatic product enterprises includes Norway seafood council, China National Fisheries (Group) Corporation, ZONECO, SINO-OCEAN, GUO LIAN, Shanghai fisheries group, Guangzhou fisheries group, etc, dairy product enterprises includes Friesland Campina, Nestle, Wyeth, etc, fruit& vegetable enterprises includes Dole, Sunkist, YOU GUO, JIN GUO YUAN, TONG HE, etc, cold chain logistic enterprises includes Sino TransPFS, SWIRE Cold Chain Logistics, etc, tourism catering enterprises includes China Aviation Technology Co., Ltd, China Eastern Airlines, NanLian Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, CREC, Bohai Cruise, etc, franchisees enterprises includes Ajisen Ramen, Little Sheep Hot Pot, DQ, Burger King, etc. The attendance of industrial giants listed above will definitely attract more professional buyers.
Strengthening the Industrial Communication, and Receiving Support from Overseas Organizations
FMA CHINA采购交易会自召开以来,每年都会在展会期间与各国海外组织举办专题研讨和议定合作备忘录的签署,以加强与各国行业组织间的沟通与交流,促进与世界各国的贸易往来。目前已签订合作备忘录的海外机构包括:德国肉类与奶业协会、法国猪业联盟、法国农业食品委员会、法国畜牧及肉类协会、西班牙肉类协会、丹麦农业委员会、新西兰肉类行业协会、波兰国家家禽商会、巴西牛肉出口协会等。
Since the opening of FMA CHINA Sourcing Fairs, thesis seminar and memo signing with overseas organization are carried out annually during the exhibition, so as to strengthen the communication with industrial organizations of different countries and promote the trade communication with them. Currently, overseas agencies that have signed the memo include German Meat and Dairy Association, French Pork Industry Alliance, French Agricultural Food Committee, French Animal Husbandry and Meat Industry, Spanish Meat Association, Denmark Agriculture Committee, New Zealand Meat Industry Association, Poland National Poultry Commerce Chamber, and Brazil Beef Export Association.




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