《金博宝188官网注册 导刊》刊号:CN11-5478/R 国际:ISSN1674-0270

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2014-12-17 10:11:01来源:搜猪网

  UK - On 13th December, the new Food Information to Consumers’ (FIC) regulations will come into force. They cover provision of mandatory information regarding:

  · Origin on unprocessed fresh, chilled and frozen meat of swine, sheep, goats and poultry;

  · And how Allergen or Nutritional information should be provided and when display of this information will become mandatory.

  The act is all about how food information should be communicated to the consumer and protection against misleading labeling. Some parts of the existing labeling regulations (1996 Food Labeling Act) have been amended to include any new requirements of the FIC. While the act comes into force on 13th December 2014, some parts of it will not be mandatory immediately.

  英国——12月13日, 针对消费者的新的食品信息 (FIC)条例将生效。它们包括提供强制性的信息:







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